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Library Renovation Minutes 12/01/10

DECEMBER 1, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Janet Stokesbury, J. Tad Kuziak, Scott Boos and Diane Carney. Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Architect Peter Wells, Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe and Hartford Courant reporter Julie Stagis.

Ms. Hornaday asked Mr. Wells to explain the abbreviation “EIFS.” Mr. Wells said the letters stand for external insulation finish system. She then asked for approval of the prior meeting’s minutes.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to approve the November 17th meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Boos abstained as he was absent from the meeting.



V. APPROVAL OF INVOICES – Wells Fargo Bank NA $375.00 (budgeted), Day Pitney, LLP $18,566.85 (budgeted)
Mr. Bartha referred to the letter from Mr. Dix explaining the Wells Fargo Bank invoice as the transmittal fee associated with the recent $7,000,000.00 BAN sale.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to recommend for payment the Wells Fargo Bank invoice# 711529 in the amount of $375.00. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha explained that the Day Pitney invoice was in keeping with the Town’s bond counsel’s fee schedule and recommended payment approval.

VOTE: Ms. Stokesbury motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to recommend for payment the Day Pitney LLP invoice# 33624662 in the amount of $18,566.85. None opposed.

VI. OTHER BUSINESS – Discuss 2011 Meeting Schedule, Discuss Groundbreaking Ceremony
Mr. Bartha presented a 2011 meeting schedule based on this year’s in keeping with the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The first Wednesday’s meeting time is 7:30 AM and the third’s will be held at 7:00 PM. Ms. Hornaday reminded the members that it is easier to remove a meeting from the schedule than to add one and she encouraged approval.

VOTE: Ms. Carney motioned, Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed to approve next year’s 2011 meeting schedule as presented. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha presented a sample groundbreaking ceremony brochure prepared by Jennifer Worsman of the Town Manager’s office. Due to holiday schedules, Mr. Bartha suggested holding off on the ceremony until January, even though construction could have already begun. Members discussed a possible date. Saturday was preferred as it would enable persons to attend who would otherwise be unavailable during the work week. Saturday, January 8th, 2011 at 11:00 AM was suggested as a possible date to present to the Town Council.

VII. REVIEW PRESENTATION FOR COUNCIL – Narrative Included In The Council’s Background Memo, Exhibit A: Value Engineering/Cost Reduction Suggestions, Exhibit B: Standard Estimate Report, Exhibit C: Working Budget – Library Project (11.23.10)
Ms. Hornaday summed the plan for presentation to the Town Council. She asked Mr. Bartha to include with the narrative a small map (Exhibit D) showing the layout of the Zoning Commission’s request for the relocation of the drive-thru book drop. She’ll begin the presentation by saying that the scope of the project was expanded by the Zoning Commission.  Next will be Enterprise’s list of value engineering and the committee’s selection of what items to retain, such as the courtyard, all new windows, and a 50 year roof.  She’d like to include that Mr. Bruce Williams’ suggestions helped the committee in making their decisions about what items to retain as well. She will mention the need to increase the contingency amount to address unforeseen problems in a renovation project. She will present the budget and then ask for any questions.

Mr. Kuziak would have liked to see the third paragraph of the narrative brought to the beginning, which highlights that the project’s cost was reduced from $9.5 million to $8.7 million without compromising the integrity, performance, square footage of the building or the library programming. Ms. Hornaday also mentioned that there were a lot of presentations to be made after this one as well.  Exhibit B (Enterprise’s standard estimate report) will serve a back-up too. The other committee members can pitch in, in case there is anything missed.

Ms. Hornaday discussed the furniture meetings she had been attending. Furniture samples are currently on display at the Library. The next furniture meeting will be December 15th at 1:00 PM, during which colors and finishes will be discussed. She hopes to have the January committee meeting at the Library in order to view the pieces. Ms. Hornaday complimented the furniture consultant Janice Newell as being very easy to work with and knowledgeable.  Mr. Goldsholl said there will be an IT follow up meeting and felt confident Mr. Feld was comfortable with the $125,000.00 budget amount. Mr. Kuziak asked that the meeting be set on a Wednesday if possible. Ms. Vocelli said the next week’s furniture 1:00 PM meeting has been cancelled.

Mr. Wells asked that the committee members discuss the required construction sign that must be placed on site. Mr. Boos and Ms. Leonard suggested placing Town Council Chair Mark Zacchio’s name on the sign. Mr. Kuziak suggested thanking the town’s taxpayers on the sign. Ms. Hornaday summed it up by saying that it looks like the State of Connecticut is paying for the project when it really is the town residents. Mr. McNaboe said he could have the changes made within a 24 hour period after he received the draft. Ms. Hornaday added too that the sign would likely have to go through Planning and Zoning approval. Mr. Bartha suggested looking at the construction sign currently displayed in front of Town Hall’s STEAP project for suggestions of what verbiage can be included on the Library’s and the sign’s placement.

Ms. Hornaday reminded that the next committee meeting will be held December 15th at 7:00 PM in the Avon Room, Town Hall.

VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary